Teething is a challenging time for babies, so we’ve put together this guide to help you spot the signs and know how to soothe your child during this process.
What Is the First Stage of Teething?
The first stage usually begins around four and 12 months. On average, you can expect your baby’s first tooth to come in at about six months, and the second tooth will follow a few weeks after. Although this is the general teething timeline for most babies, you should keep an eye out for any signs before then.
How Do You Know If Your Baby Is Teething?
Babies show signs of this process in different ways. Some cry more than others, some have trouble sleeping and others seem totally unaffected by the process. Some telltale signs that may indicate teething include:
- Drooling
- Increased chewing and gnawing
- Irritability
- Cheek rubbing and ear pulling
How to Soothe Baby Teething Symptoms
When your baby starts teething, finding ways to comfort them can be challenging. Some tips for soothing a teething baby include:
- Massage their gums gently. Your baby may not like it at first, but over time this can help soothe their sore gums.
- Put a cold washcloth on their gums. This method can help with discomfort and keep your baby cool and comfortable.
- Give them an age-appropriate teething toy. Teething toys help soothe your baby’s sore gums and provide a safe alternative to other items they may want to chew.
- Wipe away drool. Drool can irritate your baby’s skin, so keep wipes or a soft cloth nearby so that you can wipe away any excess saliva.
- Administer pain medication: If your doctor recommends it and you believe it will help alleviate some of your baby’s discomfort, you can administer the appropriate dose.
Contact Sprout Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Today
Here at Sprout Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on providing quality care tailored to each child’s individual needs. Our highly trained Portland, Oregon, team is certified in pediatric dentistry, and we take the time to get to know each patient and their family. Request an appointment today!

Dr. Dana grew up in Portland and went to Temple University in Philadelphia, PA for dental school. She then moved to Anchorage, AK for her residency in Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Dana takes a holistic approach to pediatric dentistry & is able to use her own parenting experience to sympathize and understand each family’s unique dynamic.